
Husband Allow His Wife's Concubine to live in their House

"People might think this is weird but I love both men and couldn’t choose between them,” says mum-of-two When mum-of-two Maria Butzki left her husband Paul for another man, she didn’t realise how much she’d miss him.At the same time, she couldn’t imagine living without her new lover Peter Gruman.So when the two
men struck up an extraordinary friendship, she came up with the perfect solution... and moved Peter into the family home in Barking, East London.
Now Maria, 33yrs of age, Paul, 37yrs old, their two ­children, Laura, 16, and Amy, 12, and Peter, 36, live as one big happy family.“People might think it’s weird but I love both men and couldn’t choose between them,” says Maria, a ­housing liaison officer.“When I left Paul there was a huge hole in my life. But the thought of never seeing Peter again was heartbreaking. So living with both men is the only way.”

The Question is.... Can You Allow This???


  1. Peter is in for d 16 year old Laura not dat old slot! Stop fooling urself!!

  2. I will never or every allow such thing in my life

  3. She's a skank, her husband is whipped, and her daughters will grow up expecting their husbands to allow them the same right.

  4. Really weird! May God 4give their polyandrous lifestyle!
