
Woman Perform Surgery to Have Biggest Lips In The World

Meet Kristina Rei, the woman who now has the world’s biggest lips.

She’s only 22 and has spent £4,000 on lip injections in the hopes of resembling her favourite film heroine, Jessica Rabbit.
The nail technician from St. Petersburg, Russia was convinced her thin lips were ugly, so she opted to get a lip job – 100 of them - and aims to make her enormous pout even bigger! read more

Speaking about her plump pout, Rei said: “I think I look fantastic and it makes me happy. Sometimes strangers shout names at me in the street “like big lips” but I don't care. I want to go more extreme. I want to
look like a cartoon character.”

She added: “I am addicted to it - I love it.”

Rei has wanted her lips enhanced since she was four years old, and says she was always insecure about her appearance - and childhood teasing didn’t help her confidence. Russian TV adverts that promote cosmetic surgery are common, she said, giving her the idea at a very young age.

She got her first injection at 17, and hasn't looked back. Rei can eat, speak and kiss the same way she did before and says she hasn’t suffered any painful after-effects.
She said: “Other than the way I look, my lips haven't had a big impact on my life, so I'm definitely not going to stop now.”

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