went viral on social media, a fan of Cossy wrote on Twitter "If Dj
Khalid proposed to Nicki Minaj...what
next? +DON JAZZY proposing to
@cossydiva ? "
Cossy, who wouldn't let such an opportunity to
express her feelings slide, replied " @DONJAZZY
with that kind of diamond my answer is
yes yes yes.... "
Don Jazzy, plz.....console Cossy with a diamond
engagement friendship ring.
Well didn't stop there, she went ahead to tweet
a message to DjKhaled (See Tweet Below)
and wished she was in Nicki Minaj's shoes.
"@djkhaled I will marry you if nicky say no. wish
someone will pop that question just d way u did
with those big diamond...."
You should trust naija peeps, this her last tweet
got some not so pleasant response from her
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