I do not expect that this article will change anyone’s mind about
anything. I do feel that someone ought to speak out about this thorny
subject and present clear facts and info about it for the benefit of
those who have been harassed and made to feel less than human because
they mas'tu'rbate.
right off Wikipedia, as it is an accurate description and I do not feel compelled to reinvent the wheel.
There is the argument that se'x was created for mutual pleasure: Yes; I agree. Se'x was. But mastu'rbation is not s'ex. It is se'xual, and many other things are se'xual, but it is not se'xual intercourse in itself. Se'x is for mutual benefits; mast'ur'bation is for personal benefits. Two different things. Yet, as I shall show later, mastu'rbation can be helpful in enhancing se'xual intercourse. Not only is it not a sin, it is a good thing.
There is also the argument that Jesus said if you lust after the opposite se'x in your mind, you are sinning. Yes; that is correct too, but then what part of physically stimulating yourself with the hands, fingers or any other object is lusting after someone in your mind? If a Christian lusts after someone in their heart while mastu'rbating, then such a one has crossed the line that Jesus drew. That does not make mastu'rbation in itself a sin. That person has merely corrupted a clean act and needs to deal with his or her thoughts.
Someone asked me yesterday how I want to prove that “those activities are censored and powered by the Holy Spirit”. Let me ask a question in response: Have you ever given any thought to what happens during actual se'xual intercourse? A man and a woman panting, sweating and heaving like two idiots. All those cool looking dudes in suits (yes; that includes me) don’t look so cool when banging their women and look like grotesque demons when having an orgasm. What seems Holy Ghost approved and powered about a hormone-raging man ramming a stiff rod into a woman again and again and having her moan like an animal? And as for the women, all those prim and proper women we see in public often look like demon-possessed pagan priestesses during intercourse.
Seriously, apart from the “Jesus!! Jesus!!” that some of the women cry out when in the throes of a good romp or an orgasm, there cannot be anything about se'x that looks like the Holy Ghost gives approval to the activity. Yet, He does. Case closed. The issue of Holy Ghost approval and all that is in the mind. The Bible that Christians claim to uphold does not make an issue of these things or of mastu'rbation.
I am tired of Christians being so close-minded that they manufacture rules to help God. First, God doesn’t need your help. Second, take a look around you and ask yourself if this close-mindedness has helped your homes. Se'xually dissatisfied husbands and wives everywhere, many of whom will not speak out though their marriages are in shambles. And many of them stubbornly refusing to look at facts when presented to them. Their call still.
If you use other objects apart from your hands, be careful though so you don’t hurt yourself. Perhaps you should visit a se'x shop for some toys instead.
One: mastu'rbation helps you get comfortable with your se'xuality. You get to know your body and what triggers you. That means you can generally be a better s'exual mate to your spouse. How do you expect your spouse to pleasure you se'xually when you are so clueless about yourself to start with? Do your partner a favour and play with yourself!
In counselling couples with se'xual issues over the years, especially where one partner is se'xually naive, I have recommended that he/she mastu'rbates to become more comfortable with their own se'xuality. A woman who is cold and passive during se'x can be a big problem to her husband. Mastu'rbation helps deal with that. She learns what she likes and what triggers her off. She learns what makes her climax. She becomes better at se'x with her husband. Same thing the other way round.
Two: With many couples, one person usually has a higher se'xual drive than the other. This can put pressure on the relationship. Mastu'rbation is an outlet for such individuals. Women keep complaining about their husbands mastu'rbating, yet forget that they are the ones who come up with excuses of having had a tired day or having a headache when the poor man wants se'x with them. Such women are evil and insensitive. Totally selfish. This applies to the men too. If your wife has a higher se'x drive than you do, mastu'rbation is a good let off of se'xual pressure. In the alternative, you could let her roam….
Three: For single folks, mastu'rbation is a good way of relieving the se'xual tension that can build up over time. It is safer than casual se'x and doesn’t cost you buying anybody lunch or dinner. Or breaking anybody’s heart just because you are horny. For example, every month whether a woman likes it or not, she gets horny (that’s every 60 seconds for a man, by the way). This is a biological function. For some, it is more intense than others. Mastu'rbation is a good way out. No; in itself, mastu'rbation will not hamper your se'xual intercourse later. Don’t believe the hype.
Four: Mastu'rbation produces almost all the other benefits of se'x without actual s'ex. It is a good anti-depressant, relieves tension (not just s'exual tension), helps you sleep, and keeps the mind sharp.
bed stains many years ago as a teenager.
Mastu'rbation is a normal part of the growing child’s exploration of his or her body and continues for the rest of the lives of most people. If you mastu'rbate, you are not an oddity. Actually, its those who claim not to mastu'rbate that are the oddities. Don’t let anyone crush your spirit ever again about this. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing to be ashamed of about it. As long as you don’t let it become an addiction or a problem to normal s'ex'ual activity with your partner (and usually it becomes a problem when fantasy gets involved), you are all fine and dandy.
Did I leave anything out?
What Is Mastubation?
Mastu'rbation is the se'xual stimulation of one’s own genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed using the hands, fingers, everyday objects, or dedicated se'x toys. I lifted that definitionright off Wikipedia, as it is an accurate description and I do not feel compelled to reinvent the wheel.
Mastubation Is Not A Sin
As I am a Christian (while this article is not religious in nature), I feel a need to speak out for the Bible. There is not one verse of the Bible that condemns self-stimulation. There is not one that insinuates such a condemnation. Yet, day after day, we hear preachers condemn mas'tu'rbation as a sin. Their arguments?There is the argument that se'x was created for mutual pleasure: Yes; I agree. Se'x was. But mastu'rbation is not s'ex. It is se'xual, and many other things are se'xual, but it is not se'xual intercourse in itself. Se'x is for mutual benefits; mast'ur'bation is for personal benefits. Two different things. Yet, as I shall show later, mastu'rbation can be helpful in enhancing se'xual intercourse. Not only is it not a sin, it is a good thing.
There is also the argument that Jesus said if you lust after the opposite se'x in your mind, you are sinning. Yes; that is correct too, but then what part of physically stimulating yourself with the hands, fingers or any other object is lusting after someone in your mind? If a Christian lusts after someone in their heart while mastu'rbating, then such a one has crossed the line that Jesus drew. That does not make mastu'rbation in itself a sin. That person has merely corrupted a clean act and needs to deal with his or her thoughts.
Someone asked me yesterday how I want to prove that “those activities are censored and powered by the Holy Spirit”. Let me ask a question in response: Have you ever given any thought to what happens during actual se'xual intercourse? A man and a woman panting, sweating and heaving like two idiots. All those cool looking dudes in suits (yes; that includes me) don’t look so cool when banging their women and look like grotesque demons when having an orgasm. What seems Holy Ghost approved and powered about a hormone-raging man ramming a stiff rod into a woman again and again and having her moan like an animal? And as for the women, all those prim and proper women we see in public often look like demon-possessed pagan priestesses during intercourse.
Seriously, apart from the “Jesus!! Jesus!!” that some of the women cry out when in the throes of a good romp or an orgasm, there cannot be anything about se'x that looks like the Holy Ghost gives approval to the activity. Yet, He does. Case closed. The issue of Holy Ghost approval and all that is in the mind. The Bible that Christians claim to uphold does not make an issue of these things or of mastu'rbation.
I am tired of Christians being so close-minded that they manufacture rules to help God. First, God doesn’t need your help. Second, take a look around you and ask yourself if this close-mindedness has helped your homes. Se'xually dissatisfied husbands and wives everywhere, many of whom will not speak out though their marriages are in shambles. And many of them stubbornly refusing to look at facts when presented to them. Their call still.
Mastu'rbation Is Addictive
Yes; it is. But then, so are mobile phones, food, chocolate, wine, Coke, Twitter, Facebook and football. Yet, no-one is screaming “Sin!!!” for all those. Oh, even se'xual intercourse itself is addictive. Let’s just lay aside all those things because they are addictive; shall we? No; how to deal with anything that has the potential for being addictive is not to stay away from it, but to exercise moderation.Mastu'rbation Is Not A Dirty habit
Some people call mastu'rbation a dirty habit. In what sense? It produces mostly the same results as se'xual intercourse – the man ejaculates. The woman has an orgasm and in some cases squirts. What else? Mastu'rbation is just as dirty as se'xual intercourse is, as far as I can tell.Mastu'rbation Is Healthy
In general, the medical community considers mast'ur'bation to be a natural and harmless expression of se'xuality for both men and women. It does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body, and can be performed in moderation throughout a person’s lifetime as a part of normal se'xual behavior. SourceIf you use other objects apart from your hands, be careful though so you don’t hurt yourself. Perhaps you should visit a se'x shop for some toys instead.
Why You Should Mastu'rbate
Now that I have cleared the objections to mastu'rbation, let me tell you why you should mastu'rbate.One: mastu'rbation helps you get comfortable with your se'xuality. You get to know your body and what triggers you. That means you can generally be a better s'exual mate to your spouse. How do you expect your spouse to pleasure you se'xually when you are so clueless about yourself to start with? Do your partner a favour and play with yourself!
In counselling couples with se'xual issues over the years, especially where one partner is se'xually naive, I have recommended that he/she mastu'rbates to become more comfortable with their own se'xuality. A woman who is cold and passive during se'x can be a big problem to her husband. Mastu'rbation helps deal with that. She learns what she likes and what triggers her off. She learns what makes her climax. She becomes better at se'x with her husband. Same thing the other way round.
Two: With many couples, one person usually has a higher se'xual drive than the other. This can put pressure on the relationship. Mastu'rbation is an outlet for such individuals. Women keep complaining about their husbands mastu'rbating, yet forget that they are the ones who come up with excuses of having had a tired day or having a headache when the poor man wants se'x with them. Such women are evil and insensitive. Totally selfish. This applies to the men too. If your wife has a higher se'x drive than you do, mastu'rbation is a good let off of se'xual pressure. In the alternative, you could let her roam….
Three: For single folks, mastu'rbation is a good way of relieving the se'xual tension that can build up over time. It is safer than casual se'x and doesn’t cost you buying anybody lunch or dinner. Or breaking anybody’s heart just because you are horny. For example, every month whether a woman likes it or not, she gets horny (that’s every 60 seconds for a man, by the way). This is a biological function. For some, it is more intense than others. Mastu'rbation is a good way out. No; in itself, mastu'rbation will not hamper your se'xual intercourse later. Don’t believe the hype.
Four: Mastu'rbation produces almost all the other benefits of se'x without actual s'ex. It is a good anti-depressant, relieves tension (not just s'exual tension), helps you sleep, and keeps the mind sharp.
Who Mastu'rbates?
Almost everybody mastu'rbates, including many of those people who tell you that it is sinful, dirty, and a bad habit (yes; the hypocrisy is filthy). Most people start mastu'rbating from their teens. Remember wet dreams when you first hit your teens? Usually that’s where it starts. A wet dream is a natural procedure by the body. No; it has nothing to do with witches and wizards or spiritual husbands and wives. God knows how many spiritual wives I must have by now if I count all the times I have had a wet dream. Thankfully, I had an educated and enlightened father who explained to me that it was nothing to worry about when he saw mybed stains many years ago as a teenager.
Mastu'rbation is a normal part of the growing child’s exploration of his or her body and continues for the rest of the lives of most people. If you mastu'rbate, you are not an oddity. Actually, its those who claim not to mastu'rbate that are the oddities. Don’t let anyone crush your spirit ever again about this. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing to be ashamed of about it. As long as you don’t let it become an addiction or a problem to normal s'ex'ual activity with your partner (and usually it becomes a problem when fantasy gets involved), you are all fine and dandy.
Did I leave anything out?

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