
PHOTO: Ghanian Female Rapper Has Biggest Backside in Africa

Picture they say, speaks louder than words. Vibenaija blog spotted a Ghanian female rapper and model miss Maltida Hipsy, This Ghanian Celebrity is well endowed both side and backside. it was even reported that this Ghanian cutie can’t walk comfortably in public because of heavy road
traffic she causes.
Sincerely, Her shape beats that of Nigerian Toolz O, Omotola Jolade, Mercy Johnson et al.
Check her pictures and pass your judgement

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  1. Hips is good, but not wen it makes u look out of shape. Her legs are too thin for her body to carry. Omotola, mercy and toolz are far sexier dan her.

  2. Plz plz nd plz dnt eva compare our own omo sexy wit dis,or mercy johnson blacksugar.dis is too much of a waist for her to carry alone.

  3. Hmmm*eye rolling**

    Jewel says so

  4. shes beautiful but 2big. mercy nd omotala are sexier dan her i mean d both of dem hve d real shape..i guess shes lucky 2hve all of dat lot of us are luking 4shape like dat 4me am ok wit my own .tnkGod.

  5. this is fat and not waist dn get it twisted make she go slim down before e go burst

  6. She is equally sexy and attractive
