
Brazilian Man Plans To Marry His Goat Oct 13

Aparecido Castaldo, a retired stone cutter from Jundiai, Brazil has decided to marry his beloved Carmella, a goat. Because no Christian minister would agree to perform the marriage ceremony, the two will be wed by a known satanic leader, in the Church of the Devil.

People have married their pets in the past, although in most cases the marriage ceremony was just a symbolic one performed by family or friends.

However, 74-year old Aparecido Castaldo, a widower and father-of-seven, apparently wanted to be united with his goat
Carmela in a church, by an evangelical minister.

Unfortunately, none of the churches he contacted with his unusual request wanted to perform the ceremony, so Aparecido eventually contacted Toninho do Diabo (Tom the Devil), an old friend who just happens to be one of the most famous satanists in Brazil.

The wedding is scheduled to take place at midnight, on October 13, at the Devil’s Church, in Sao Paolo.

”Only our church accepted this love between man and animal because we have no prejudice,” Toninho said.

Aparecido fell in love with his pet goat two years ago, and apparently she has already been accepted as a
“stepmother” by the man’s seven children, who will all be at the wedding.

Although their upcoming wedding has caused a lot of controversy in the community, and attracted accusations from animal rights activists, Castaldo said they haveno plans to consummate their marriage.

He just needs a life companion and Carmella is just perfect. “Whenever someone says I am doing something wrong I reply the goat does not speak, ask for money to go shopping and doesn’t get pregnant – and she can’t talk,” the groom-to-be praised his future wife.

She does have one fault, though – she tries to eat everything, including the first wedding dress Aparecido got for her.

Luckily, he was able to find another. After the October 13 wedding, Aparecido plans to celebrate his union to Carmela with a barbecue party, but makes it very clear that there won’t be any goat meat served…


  1. poor old man pliz go and read yo bible and live by its principles. Jehovah God made a woman for yu to marry, and a goat for yu to obtain meat and milk from. Come bacvk to yo senses and live that poor, harmless animal. It doesnt even know yu want to marry it, its just an animal. In real it doesnt amuse me becoz the bible, written ages and generations ago with the help God's power, highlighted such experiences were to occur. If this is a true story pliz eh, pliz come back to yo senses.

  2. Nawa o!Ofcos na for church of d devil dat knd tin fit happen b4!Menh!we need God's intervrntion o,chai!

  3. This is so crazy it does not even desrve to b talked about-and the goat will eventually fall pregnant!how does he know that it doesn't? Somebody help the poor goat!!

  4. I weep the unborn
